Announcing Call for Community Reviewers

Lacey Henschel speaking at DjangoCon US 2018

The call for proposals for DjangoCon US 2024
is open, and we would love to have you (yes, you!) help us select our talks and tutorials
this year. We strive to create a schedule that appeals to the wider community, and the best
way for us to do that is by having members of said community vote for the talks you’d like
to see. If you are interested in guiding the 2024 program, this is your chance!

We welcome reviewers with all levels of experience, including those who are brand
new to the community. You don’t need to be a Django expert, a previous reviewer,
or a frequent DjangoCon US attendee. It takes people of all backgrounds to make
a program that appeals to everyone!

If you are interested in volunteering as a community reviewer, please email Please note, we can
only grant access to around 30 community reviewers. We will grant access
on a first-come, first-served basis.