Welcome to Durham!

This year's venue is the Durham Convention Center! Located just 20 minutes from Raleigh-Durham International Airport, the Durham Convention Center provides the perfect setting.

View Larger Map Durham Convention Center
301 W Morgan St, Durham, NC 27701
Exterior photo of Durham Marriott City Center
Durham Marriott City Center

Staying at the Durham Marriott City Center

There are still rooms at the hotel. Please don't wait to book your room!

  • πŸ›œ Free Wi-Fi
  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Room for hallway hacking
  • πŸ™οΈ In the middle of downtown

Book a Room

Other hotel options

All rates are "the last time we checked" and may be outdated.

Around Durham

Public transportation is available via the GoTriangle and GoDurham systems which includes transit via bus to/from the Raleigh-Durham International Airport and the Durham Station (approximately 1/4 mile walk from the station to the hotel). Popular ride sharing services are also available. While you're cruising around town, be sure to check out our favorite spots:

An Accessible Experience

We're working with the staff at the Durham Convention Center to accommodate the diverse needs of our attendees.

Are we missing something? Let us know.

  • All public restrooms have accessible stalls.
  • The convention center does not provide gender-neutral restrooms. Please use the restroom for the gender with which you identify.
  • There is step-free access to all parts of the venue.
  • Service animals are welcome, and there is a grassy area outside the hotel and convention center where they can be walked.
  • The Quiet Room will be available on all conference days. This room is not for socializing.
  • A Lactation Room will be available as needed Sunday-Wednesday.
  • Sponsored childcare will be provided.