
DjangoCon US is only possible through the generosity of the organizations and businesses on this page. Their donations make it possible for us to provide opportunity grants to speakers and attendees, record all talks, host sprints, and feed everyone for five days. Thank you for your support!



    We are performance tuners, Python and Django experts, infrastructure and scaling architects. Your best opportunity for success in any situation is to have access to the highest level of knowledge and a thorough understanding of how to make the most of it. What you don’t know can hurt you. Let us help you over and around the bumps in the road you are on. At REVSYS, we help our clients with architecture decisions, implementing best practices, identifying cost savings, improving development velocity, mentoring, and ops automation. You need to move fast. We can help rev up your people, processes, and products.


  • The Wharton School

    For 25+ years, Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) has supported 500+ institutions across 38 countries with targeted solutions that underpin research, reinforce learning, and enable discovery. WRDS enables comprehensive thought leadership — democratizing data access and giving users the power to analyze complex information through curated Classroom Teaching guides, Video Learning Pathways, Analytics/Linking tools, Research Applications, and the raw data through our website powered by Django and Wagtail, Jupyter, direct PostgreSQL access, SSH on the WRDS Cloud, and SAS. Partnering with global vendors, WRDS hosts over 400 TB of raw data, including one of the largest PostgreSQL clusters on the planet — across all disciplines including Accounting, Banking, Economics, ESG, Finance, Healthcare, Insurance, Marketing, and Statistics — giving users the power to analyze complex information. Supporting a global community of 75,000+ commercial, academic, and government users across 38 countries, WRDS is the global gold standard in data management, innovative tools, analytics, and research services — all backed by the credibility and leadership of the Wharton School.

  • Two Rock Software

    Two Rock Software is a friendly Django shop that focuses on developing custom solutions for humans. We enjoy collaborating at every level of a project from conception and brainstorming to launch and beyond. Our clients include a range of small to midsize businesses and nonprofits. Contact us to discover new ways to achieve growth and efficiency.

    🌟 Two Rock Software is hiring!
  • Foxley Talent

    Foxley Talent is the go-to recruiter for the django community in America. We specialise in helping django engineers move into new jobs with great companies. Speak to us throughout (or before) the conference for job opportunities, hiring solutions or career advice.

    As a part of the community and Silver Member of the Django Software Foundation we donate 5% of our profits to the DSF.

  • Lincoln Loop

    Lincoln Loop builds and maintains mission-critical Django applications that scale. Since 2007, their emphasis on pragmatic solutions and agile development has helped numerous startups and high-traffic sites grow their businesses. Lincoln Loop offers end-to-end services led by seasoned developers, from strategy and full-stack development to DevOps and comprehensive support.

  • Six Feet Up

    Six Feet Up helps impactful tech leaders solve hard problems by crafting superior and lasting software solutions. As a consultancy with a core focus on Python and AI for the greater good, we bring unparalleled expertise in application development, AI and big data to launch game-changing ideas faster. Driven by the EOS Process™ and home to an AWS Hero, Six Feet Up is a woman-owned software company that values a blend of emotional and intellectual intelligence. Our dedication to excellence is showcased by our 5-star referral rating on Clutch.co. Trusted by leading organizations such as Capital One, NASA, Purdue University, and UNEP since 1999, we are eager to help our clients make an impact. More info is at sixfeetup.com.


    Management system for WISP and ISP



    Django Events Foundation North America (DEFNA) is a non-profit based in California USA. It was formed in 2015 at the request of the Django Software Foundation (DSF) to run DjangoCon US. The DSF have licensed DEFNA to run DjangoCon US since 2015. Beyond DjangoCon US we also plan to be involved with other events in North America that cover the education and outreach of Django.