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Code of Conduct Transparency Report for DjangoCon US 2024

The organizers of DjangoCon US 2024 are proud to release this year’s Code of Conduct transparency report. In the event that we receive any submissions after this report is published, we will edit this post and include the time when the submission is addressed.


Formal Complaints

We addressed two official complaints:

  1. Stereotypic Mention in Presentation: While reviewing pre-recorded online talks, it was observed that one of the presentations included a stereotypic mention of a certain group of people. This concern was communicated to the speaker, and the issue was resolved by a re-recording of the presentation.

  2. Breach of Privacy: We received a complaint regarding a breach of privacy in which one attendee accessed another attendee's belongings without authorization. Specifically, a participant removed an item from another participant's personal belongings without proper consent. The owner of the item expressed that this action was unacceptable and unauthorized. Although the item was eventually returned, the incident raised concerns about respecting personal boundaries and property rights within our event community. Both parties were consulted, and the offending attendee issued a sincere apology, which was accepted by the owner of the item. The offending individual has committed to adhering to the Code of Conduct moving forward.

Informal Reports

We also had informal reports:

  • Unacceptable Joke at Check-in: Our registration volunteers heard an unacceptable joke made while an attendee was checking in. The volunteers immediately reminded the person that "we do not do that here," and the person apologized.

  • Unsolicited Direct Messages on Slack: A Slack user sent unsolicited direct messages (DMs) to at least two other attendees about job postings. Unsolicited DMs are prohibited in our Code of Conduct, and we removed the person from our Slack instance.


The incidents reveal a need for continued efforts to promote a respectful and inclusive environment at the event. This includes:

  • Reinforcing the Code of Conduct: Ensuring that all participants are aware of and adhere to the event's guidelines on appropriate behavior.

  • Promoting Cultural Sensitivity: Educating participants about the importance of avoiding stereotypes and promoting inclusivity.

  • Protecting Privacy: Emphasizing that accessing other participants' belongings without authorization is a breach of their privacy.

  • Encouraging Appropriate Communication: Providing clear guidelines for communication, especially in professional contexts like job inquiries.


Thank you all for making DjangoCon US 2024 a memorable event! While some of the interactions we have discussed may have been uncomfortable, they serve as an important reminder that we, as a community, are continually growing and learning. By communicating openly, treating each other with respect, and practicing empathy, we can create a space where everyone feels valued and supported. Together, we will continue to build a stronger, more inclusive Django community.